Whole-grain refers to grain seeds after shelling no refined. Most belong to coarse grains whole grains, such as millet, big yellow rice, a variety of rice (including ordinary brown rice, black rice, purple rice), wheat and other grains, but also has been pulverized or crushed crushed food, such as oatmeal , whole wheat flour. Nutrients lotus seed, Gorgon, barley and other cereals and similar, can be used as whole grain consumption.
Whole-grain refers to grain seeds after shelling no refined. Most belong to coarse grains whole grains, such as millet, big yellow rice, a variety of rice (including ordinary brown rice, black rice, purple rice), wheat and other grains, but also has been pulverized or crushed crushed food, such as oatmeal , whole wheat flour. Nutrients lotus seed, Gorgon, barley and other cereals and similar, can be used as whole grain consumption.
The benefits of whole-grain cereals
1. Increasing the supply of nutrients. In the same weight, the same premise of energy, whole grain rice can provide the equivalent of more than 3 times the vitamin b1, b2, and potassium, magnesium and other minerals.
2. Energy intake of disease prevention and health ingredients. Whole grain cereals not only contain more dietary fiber and vitamins, it also contains more antioxidants, such as anthocyanins, carotenoids, β-glucan, these substances have health benefits, such as help prevent cancer and coronary heart disease, help control postprandial blood glucose and blood cholesterol, anti-aging eye.
3. High dietary fiber content, can help reduce the risk of colon cancer. Under the same weight, whole grain cereals provide more dietary fiber and resistant starch, which can not only help bowel purge of constipation is very good, and in the large intestine can promote the proliferation of beneficial bacteria, improve bowel channel micro-ecological environment, help reduce the risk of colon cancer.
4. Postprandial blood glucose rise slowly, most people with diabetes Yichi: Benefits IV. Even more than the same amount of starch, because eating whole grains beans need to chew, digest slowly, postprandial hyperglycemia is relatively low, can reduce insulin requirements.
5. A strong sense of fullness, even if the porridge is not easy to be hungry. Eat a bowl of porridge grains very full, very long time hungry. The same energy, rice, bread to eat fast satiety poor, it is easy to feel hungry, let the body unconsciously consume more calories.
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