The key point of corn grits and germ extraction is to extract the grits with less germs content and to control the quantity for grits extraction. ...
The key point of corn grits and germ extraction is to extract the grits with less germs content and to control the quantity for grits extraction. Big grits and medium grits are extracted before corn flour milling. Small grits are extracted in corn flaking mill and flour milling. The type for grits extraction depends on the local diet habit. Grits extraction quantity depends on corn quality, corn products quality and yield rate. The more, the better. Low fat corn grits is the basic raw material for low fat corn flour milling.
CORN GRITS AND GERM EXTRACTION adopts gravity germ extraction machine. The material after grits milling and germ removing is screened by the flat sieve and we can get big and medium dregs from screening. Then they are processed by the winnowing machine firs and we can select the corn skins. They enter into two gravity germ extraction machines and are refined. We can get big, medium dregs and germs. Big and medium dregs can be polished by the emery roller rice machine into big and medium grits. The dregs and germs mixture are processed by flaking mill and flour milling. Usually we can get germs from this process by twice flaking mills and twice screening. The technological process can extract part of high purity complete corn germ.
The main equipments of corn grits and germ extraction are flat sieve and gravity germ extraction machine. The flat sieve is used for preliminary grading and preparation for grits milling, germs extraction and flour milling. It has coarse sifter, grading sifter and flour sifter. The gravity germ extraction machine for corn processing is similar with that for wheat processing. Due to lower suspension speed of corn germs compared with that of wheat, the air volume of the germ extraction machine is low and the processing capacity is not large.
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